Bed bug pest control

Bed Bug Pest Control Service London 

  • Effective and affordable
  • Professionally trained and certified technicians
  • Emergency bed bug removal
  • Discrete service

Pest Killers UK  Pest Control  get rid of Bed bugs on our first visit and offer 100% guarantee. Only one treatment needed because we use the latest’s product so you will not have to waste time on second and third treatment. Our technicians will treat all your furniture when we visit your home we don’t spray your mattress and walk away we make sure our customers our always satisfied because we believe that having a good reputation is very important so that we can always be recommended to others who need our pest control service.

bed bug bites








How Do Bed Bugs Enter My Home?

Bed bugs can be brought into your home so easily you can carry Bed bugs home from buses and trains and other public transport. Even when you go on holiday you can pick up bed bugs from your hotel room and they can be carried back home on your luggage. Adult bed bugs are nearly 4-5 mm long. Bedbugs can live on mattresses, bed frames, plug sockets, clothing and soft furnishings. Bed bugs can move to different rooms, usually  travel on clothing, furniture and even can be attached to your hair and fall out onto furniture. Bed bugs live in both clean and dirty environments and like to appear at night because they are attracted to the warmth of sleeping bodies. Seeing red or brown spots on your bedding or if you notice a sweet almond smell,  is a sign that you are living with Bed bugs.

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On the day of your appointment our Pest Killer’s UK  Pest Control will inspect your home and look for evidence of Bed bugs examining furniture, rugs,  carpets, curtains, skirting boards and bed linens.



We at Pest Killer’s UK Pest Control are recommend that you treat your whole property to prevent further  infestation but we also treat individual rooms in your property. We use special pest control products that eliminate egg’s and bed bugs which leave a long lasting residual that is safe for pets and children

Before Pest Killer’s UK Pest Control carry out treatment we will need curtains bed sheets and covers removed and washed at least 60°c or a higher temperature, we recommend emptying drawer’s and under bed storage and also sweeping the floors. We also advise customer to stand their mattress up against the wall if possible, before our Pest Control comes out to provide our services. Depending on the product’s we use on the day we may ask you to leave your property after treatment for up to 2 hours after bed bug treatment.


With Pest Killer’s UK Pest Control you will never need a second treatment, we use the latest solutions in Pest control and offer you 100% guarantee that you will not need a second treatment.